Announcements January 26, 2025
Parish event Calendar from 01/26/2025 to 02/22/2025 is located following these announcements.
The St. James Mission Statement:
St. James exists to Gather as God’s people.
Know the love of God in Christ.
Grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Give to the world what God has given to us.
Please turn off your cell phone before worship begins.
Welcome, Everyone! Two restrooms are located in the front of the church, through the double doors to the left of the altar area. There is also a baby changing table that accommodates a child up to 50 pounds. “Buddy bags” for children are available behind the pews containing crayons, coloring paper and other materials to help keep little ones occupied during the service.
Altar Flowers No Altar flowers are given today.
Giving Altar Flowers Altar flowers are given in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one or for a milestone event. Flowers cost $35. Please note “altar flowers” on your check. A sign-up sheet is on the table as you enter church and there are envelopes to complete and place payment inside. Place your envelope in the collection plates on Sundays. Altar flowers and prayer shawls are available to take to someone who may be ill, hospitalized – or who simply needs cheer.
Welcome This morning we again welcome and thank Reverend Canon Jane Gober for celebrating with us here at St. James the Greater. Reverend Canon Gober is the Canon for Transition Ministry in our Diocese.
Parish Annual Meeting Our yearly meeting is today, January 26th, immediately after church. Please plan to stay for it! We will be reviewing the past year, presenting the budget for 2025, and electing parish delegates to Diocesan Convention and the Bucks County Deanery. Pamphlets will be handed out. Thank you.
S.O.M.E. to-go Meals On January 29th we will return to sit-down meals for the S.O.M.E. dinners. Volunteers are needed on the last Wednesday of each month from 4:00 – 8:00 pm. Members of Redemption Church have volunteered to set-up, serve and clean-up. If you are able to help, please sign up on the sheet on the table behind the pews. Thank you!
Bible Study Our study, “Ten Women of the Bible: One by One They Changed the World” by Max Lucado will meet on February 3, 2/17, 3/3, 3/17 & 3/31/2025, at 12:30 pm in the Parish House.
SOUPER BOWL OF CARING February 9th, is the designated date for food donations for the nationwide Souper Bowl of Caring, which is coordinated locally by the Bristol Ministerium. All food donations from now and Sunday, February 9th will go to the Souper Bowl. Volunteers are needed to take our donations to Calvary Baptist Church on Green Lane after church on February 9th. Please speak with Denise if you can help with the delivery. Thank you.
Italian Dinner by Candlelight Grace Episcopal Church, 313 Main Street, Hulmeville, PA 19047. Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 4:30 – 7:00 pm. Salad bar, pasta & meatballs or meat/vegetable lasagna and dessert. Adults: $13.00, Children 6-11: $6.00, Children 5 & under: FREE.
Food Donations Thank you everyone who has contributed to this ministry over the past 13 years for a total of 10,566 pounds! Latest collection is 96 lbs. Thank you to Bill Keller for delivering our donations to the United Methodist Church Food Pantry each month. God bless everyone, and please continue to bring non-perishable items for those in need.
Rev. Cathy Kerr’s last Sunday at St. James Thank you to all for generously donating to a farewell gift for Cathy’s three years of faithful service to St. James the Greater and to bidding her “adieu’.
A Card from Cathy, Dear St. James friends, Thank you so much for everything – for the lovely farewell gathering, beautiful cake, generous gifts from the parish, and good wishes from all. ….. Going back to Christmas – for the cards and goodies, and the generous gift from the Women of St. James. ….. And for the past three years- for the warm hospitality and the opportunity to travel a while with you all on the journey – my heart is full. I promise you will continue in my prayers. Peace and many blessings, Cathy +
Greening of the Church Thank you to all who stayed to “green” the church for Christmas and to those who stayed to take down all the Christmas greenery at the season's end.
Angel Tree Thanks to ALL who took tags from the tree and brought gifts to help a child and/or an elderly person have a merrier Christmas! Many thanks to Doris Fleetwood, Dotti Hardy, and Betsy Schmidt for their hard work on this ministry!
Thank you to our choir and our music director, Sonya for the beautiful anthems during Advent. The choir is open to anyone who'd like to join! If you're interested, please speak with Sonya.
Parish Ministries Additional people are needed for altar guild. The “more the merrier” and “many hands make light work!” This ministry requires about one (1) hour a month. Please consider joining this and other ministries performed during the services. There is a sign-up sheet on the table behind the pews.
Fellowship/Coffee If you would like to host a fellowship/coffee hour one month, the sign-up sheet for 2025 is on the table behind the pews. Thought to Ponder These monthly fellowship/coffee hours would be perfect opportunities for us to think about bringing a friend to church!
Stewardship Packets Thank you to everyone who has made a pledge to St. James of time, talent and treasure for 2025. Please know that pledges are accepted at any time. Remember, your pledge is confidential, and can be changed at any time during the year if your circumstances change. If you misplaced your packet, extras are on the table behind the pews.
Crochet Hats for Preemies Anyone who crochets and would like to crochet hats for preemies and newborns, please see Ginny Capriotti with questions. Ginny has distributed over 300 caps to hospitals with NIC units! Thank you to all who have made the caps. Prayer shawls are also needed. Patterns for the caps and prayer shawls are on the table behind the pews.
Pew Plaques Pew plaques are given in memory of or thanksgiving for a loved one as a forever remembrance. The cost is $250. A payment plan is available to purchase pew plaques. If interested, please speak with Jim Lombardo.
Burial Lots Do you or someone you know need a burial lot? Why not choose our own peaceful churchyard? Our rates are extremely competitive. Please see Denise Ciambrello or call the office (215-788-2228).
Eucharistic Visitors Rose Capitano, Denise Ciambrello, Gene Porter, and Jo Twiss, are available to provide home communion. Please contact the office, 215-788-2228; or [email protected] to ask for a home visit.
Prayer List The prayer list in the Sunday bulletins is for people with immediate needs and conditions. If you want someone to be on the Sunday list, please contact the office (215-788-2228); or ([email protected]). Names remain on this list for up to a month then, if still needed, they are moved to the Intercessory Prayer list. See below.
Intercessory Prayer Please speak with Pam Bergey regarding people on the list. Please pray for: Cheri, Sharon L., Albert L., Angelo, Craig G., Chris Cooper, Bette B., Carol K., Melissa, Roxanne, Kevin, Doug, Janel, Catherine, Paul G., Amanda R., Mark P., Patti P., Carrie C., Margaret P., Will, Vivian, Jocelyn, Nellie, Blair, Julie, Steve H., Amanda W., and their families.
Outreach Ministries Receipts for Outreach ministries this year!
Month Outreach Ministry Ask/Donation/ Rec'd
June S.O.M.E. – food for others $191.00 rec’d
July St. James Episcopal Church 312th Anniversary Picnic
Aug Stuff the Bus $378.00 + 541 items value = $1,000.00 rec’d
Sept Purse Raffle - Women of St. James Fallsington Day $ 1,455.00 rec’d Bristol Day $ 1,005.00 rec’d
Oct S.O.M.E.–Jackie’s Daily Calendar $ 1,146.57 rec’d
Boscov's Friend's Helping Friends Passes $ 490.00 rec’d
Nov Bristol Borough Parade $ 144.00 rec'd
Dec Angel Tree 60 Gifts received
Total donations from June through December, 2024 $ 4,793.57
These outreach campaigns were tremendously successful. Thank you and God Bless each and every one of you for all donations.
Pew Plaques Pew plaques are given in memory of or thanksgiving for a loved one as a forever remembrance. The cost is $250. A payment plan is available to purchase pew plaques. If interested, please speak with Jim Lombardo.
Holiday House – Girls Friendly Society, Episcopal Church Diocese of Pennsylvania which has been a place for retreats for Girls Friendly for 100 years is struggling to survive. In jeopardy of having to be sold, the beautiful Inn in the heart of Cape May Court House, NJ has rooms to rent at very reasonable costs. There are brochures on the table behind the pews if you are interested.
With the blessing of the Diocese, wine is served at communion. Eucharistic doctrine affirms the simultaneous presence of Christ's body and blood in each of the Eucharistic elements. The doctrine of concomitance upholds the truth that the fullness of communion is available by receiving either the consecrated bread or wine. The Eucharistic ministers will sanitize their hands after each communicant. We are using high alcohol content wine. Per direction from our Diocese, intinction (dipping) of the bread into the wine is strongly discouraged. Anyone who doesn't feel safe drinking from the communal cup can leave the rail after receiving the bread.
St. James on Facebook and Wikipedia St. James has its own page on Facebook, the world's leading social network: church. Also, St. James has its own entry on Widipedia, the Web's leading encyclopedia.
You're Invited The Diocese of Pennsylvania now has its own closed Facebook page just for the people and clergy of the diocese. Bishop Gutiérrez says that it "...will better allow us to share our great ideas, be in prayer for one another, nurture our mutual love for ministry, promote programs and activities in our parishes, and build deeper community with one another." To join, go on Facebook and search for Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. Click on "like."
Location/Event Date Time
Church - Holy Eucharist 01/26/2025 9:00 - 10:00 am
Parish Hall Usage: Mon A.A. Meeting 01/27/2025 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Parish Hall Usage: Tues A.A. Meeting 01/28/2025 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Parish Hall: S.O.M.E. sit-down dinner 01/29/2025 6:00 - 7:00 pm
volunteers 4:00 - 7:30 pm
Parish Hall Rental: Zumba 01/29/2025 7:15 - 8:15 pm
Church - Morning Prayer 02/02/2025 9:00 - 10:00 am
Parish Hall: Bible Study w/brown bag lunch 02/03/2025 12:30 - 3:00 pm
Parish Hall Usage: Mon A.A. Meeting 02/03/2025 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Parish Hall Usage: Tues A.A. Meeting 02/04/2025 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Parish House: Women of St. James Meeting 02/25/2025 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Parish Hall Rental: Zumba 02/05/2025 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Church - Holy Eucharist 02/09/2025 9:00 - 10:00 am
Parish Hall Usage: Mon A.A. Meeting 02/10/2025 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Parish Hall Usage: Tues A.A. Meeting 02/11/2025 6:00 - 7:30 pm
VALENTINE'S DAY 02/14/2025
Parish Hall Rental: Zumba 01/15/2025 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Church - Morning Prayer 02/16/2025 9:00 - 10:00 am
PRESIDENT'S DAY 02/17 2025
Parish Hall: Bible Study w/brown bag lunch 02/17/2025 12:30 - 3:00 pm
Parish Hall Usage: Mon A.A. Meeting 02/17/2025 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Parish Hall Usage: Tues A.A. Meeting 02/18/2025 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Parish Hall Rental: Zumba 02/19/2025 7:00 - 8:00 pm