The Internal Ministries of St. James Church
Members of the congregation serve on the Vestry, our governing council, which is responsible for strategic planning and the management of the church and its finances.
Property Committee
This small group of people devote themselves to the maintenance of our large property and historic buildings. As the church was built in 1857, and the Parish House in 1877, something always needs to be done!
Eucharistic Ministers
Our Eucharistic Ministers carry the cross in procession, act as acolytes to prepare the altar for Communion and help to clear it, and serve the chalice.
Lectors and Readers
Read the lessons from the Old and New Testaments and read the Prayers of the People at services.
Altar Guild
Prepare the linens, altar hangings and Eucharistic vessels (for the bread and wine) for our worship services, weddings and funerals.
Greeters and Ushers
Greet those who come to church, distribute bulletins, record attendance and receive the people’s offerings of money and food. Ushers also function at funerals.
Sunday School
Although no Sunday School is held since Covid, we have available the Episcopal Children’s Curriculum to help our children understand and grow into Christianity and a loving relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Whether it’s the flower garden in front of the church or the vegetable garden in front of the Parish House, our small but sturdy band of gardeners keeps up our appearance!
Food Delivery
Several members of St. James deliver donated food to local food pantries.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
& "Preemie Cap" Ministry
A small but dedicated band of craftswomen crochet or knit shawls for sick and hospitalized people to wear while in prayer or merely while reading, watching TV, sleeping and so on. Each shawl contains the healing prayers and love of its creator, which are passed on to the wearer.
We crochet caps for Preemie Babies and distribute to hospitals that have NIC units. Our caps have reached hospitals in Alabama and Chicago!
We crochet caps for Preemie Babies and distribute to hospitals that have NIC units. Our caps have reached hospitals in Alabama and Chicago!