The Community Outreach Ministries of St. James Church
Monthly To-Go Meals for Those in Need
St. James is resuming Sit-Down dining on the last Wednesday of each month! St. James volunteers come together to prepare a meal for local neighbors in need. Families, homeless people, people out of work and many others can receive a meal at 6:00 pm. The congregation’s members support this effort from their giving, separately from giving to the church. This ministry, begun in January 2010, had grown from attracting 20-30 guests to 60-80. An average of 10 volunteers help to cook and serve each month.
Food Collection
Every Sunday congregants bring non-perishable cans and packages of food. Once a month we deliver it all to a local food pantry. This ministry started in June 2009. Between then and August 2024, the people of St. James donated 10,566 pounds of food to neighbors in need
United Way Stuff the Bus
School items, notebooks, pens, pencils, markers, etc., are collected each summer and delivered to United Way of Bucks County. Last year's collection was about $1,000.00 in supplies and cash.
Christmas Angel Tree
These are the gifts from our Angel Tree in 2023. Bags full of gifts for older adults and kids were delivered to Legacy Gardens and families as requested.